sapiQu lucu sekali.. <3
tiap orng pasti pnya benda kesayangan..
iyh kn? hehehe
kLo g,,
benda kesayangan g thu
boneka sapi g..
wLpn nie boneka udh dekil bgd,,
ekor na ud copot,, perut na ud sobek gthu..
tetep g bawa k mna ajah..
tdur g bawa,, g nntn g bawa, makan jg g bawa..
kLo pegi jalan2, g bawa jg, tP g tnggal d mobil,,,
coz nykap marah2 kLo sapi na dBawa turun dari mobil..
kata na bKin malu aja.. XDDDD
Mpe ada tmn nykapg yg ngeledekin,,
thu boneka bakal g bawa mpe g kawin..
mgkn ajah thu..
g pnya panggilan bwt boneka ini: "Mooo" ato gaQ "Meee"..
g prnh bawa boneka ini ke sekolah..
sebnar na gaQ sengaja keBawa.. adE g yg masuQ in k tas skula g, g gaQ nyadar..
truss d sKula, ada Tmn g yg gaQ taU diri bernama DANA OSCAR KIATRI..
thu bocah nganggep sapi g bola voli kale yh..
dengan jiwa atlet dy yg membara bara,,sapi g dLempar lempar ama dy..
mpe jatuh k lantai lg..
Bkin g ribet nyuci lg dE..
kLo u, bnda ksayangan u apa? ^^
what is your favorite dessert? (:
tadaaaa.. my favorite ice cream: Baskin n Robins.. hahaha
ini yummy berry kawan2.. hehehe
ini my fave.. :)
ini tuti frutti.. lumayan rasa na.. =)
ini sour sally plus topping almond tentu na.. hahaha :)
umm, ada banyak dessert yg g suka..
tP yg pLing populer akhir2 ini, n disukai ama semua org,termasuk g, gaQ laen n gaQ bukan adalah fro-yo..alias frozen yoghurt..
betul tdk kawan2? hahahaha
g prnh coba bebrp dessert, such as ice creams or fro-yo..
contoh.. Baskin Robins
ini es krim favorite g.. hhhehehe
apalagi sejak BR buka cabang d Mal DM yg dket hum g..
g jd lbh gmpng menikmati es krim kesukaan g ini.. =))
KLo soal fro-yo ada bnyak bgd yah gaQ sie..
menjamur gthu loh..
d mana mana ada..
ada sour sally, heavenly blush, red mango, tuti frutti, yummy bery,, n macem2 yg g mgkn lum g sebutin.. hahahaha
g ud pernah nyobain sour sally, red mango, tuti frutti , yummy bery, n
sayang lum kesampean nyobain heavenly blush.. hahahaha =PP
mnurut g yg paling enaQ
second choice maybe tuti frutti..
d tuti frutti qTa milih ndiri n ambil ndiri yoghurt plus topping yg qta mau (self service gthu de) ,, trus ditimbang de.. harga na berdasarkan 'berat' yoghurt yg qta ambil.. hahaha
tapi favorit ade g sour sally.. hahaha
selera tiap org beda beda..
trus, satu lg yg gaQ leh ketinggalan saat g menikmati fro-yo adalah: kacang almond na..
g suka bgd ama kacang almond.. hehehe mochi jg enaQ si..^^
So, what is your favorite dessert?
Goo Hye Sun: My Greatset Role Model
I love Goo Hye Sun unnie...
I love her style..
I love how she talks, how she acts..
I love her gestures..
I love her fashion.. Simple but elegant..
I wish I could be like her..
Goo Hye Sun is the first Korean artist who I admire so much..
She is pretty..
I know, there are thounsand of Korean artists who also as pretty as Goo Hye Sun unnie..
However, there is one thing that make Hye Sun unnie different..
Her beauty is natural.. She is so natural.. Heart it..
She has a good personality.. She's humble, down to earth and friendly..
She is very talented too..
She is an artist, singer, pianist, musician, designer, charity worker, model, director, producer, and a business woman too...she aldo held her own art exhbition..
TV Series
* Boys Over Flowers, KBS 2TV, 2009
* Strongest Chil-Woo, KBS2TV, 2008
* The King and I, SBS, 2007
* Pure in Heart, KBS2TV, 2006
* Ballad Of Suh Dong, SBS, 2005
* Nonstop 5, MBC, 2005
* Drama City - Everybody Cha Cha Cha, KBS, 2005
* Drama City - Anagram, KBS, 2004
* KBS Acting Awards: New Actress Award, Pure in Heart
* SBS Acting Awards: Rookies of the Year, The King and I (TV series)
* Yahoo! Asia Buzz Awards: Biggest Asian star in Taiwan
* Audience Award at the Pusan Asian Short Film festival
Spending time together @ Taman Anggrek
at 17th December I went to TA, hanged out with some of my besties..
Christmas is coming to the town and it's also coming to Taman Angrek Mall..
The decoration at there is great.. Heart it.. =))
We spent our time together..
We played ice-skate at TA's sky-rink.. I always enjoy ice-skating..
Thanks to Sannie who had taught me how to palyed ice-skate so now I can play it without fall.. ^^
Then, we watched AVATAR..
Yeah, trust me.. It's an outstandibg movie..
It is a MUST-TO-SEE Movie..
the special effect is cool..
Moreover, it has many of good messages for us..
About life, love , our environment ,and our earth..
The minus point from this movie is: it run almost for 3 hours..
hahahaha..I sat in the 2nd front row, so, I felt a bit dizzy after watched it..
However, it had a benefit sitting in the front row.. I felt like I came inside to the movie..
It seemed like I was watchibg 3D movie.. =p
After watching movie, we ate at BMK...
It was fun spending time together with my besties ..
Fantastic Time at Fantasy World ;)
at 9th December 2009,,
I with my super best friends had a fantastic time together..
Me(Lydia), Jejenk, Silvi, Khristy, Rico, Christian, Jeremy, Geo, Pnyu, n Dcky
spent our holiday at Fantasy World (Dufan)..
Unfortunately, some of our friends couldn't join us because they didn't have their parents permission.. Because on that day spreaded a rumour that at Jakarta will be held a massive demonstration..
We went there by Transjakarta Bus..
First, we were late 30 minutes due to our original plan (we planned to leave at 8 o'clock) because of Jeremy.. hahaha It's all HIS FAULT.. (kidink XD )
He came late and we had to wait for him..
Moreover, he did a silly thing.. he didn't know how to use TransJakarta Bus..ckck..
We arrived at Fantasy World at 11 o'clock.. It was so crowded there..
First, we played Ontang Anting.. Actually, I am afraid of height..
But, as soon as I arrived at Fantasy World and saw so many challenging vehicles..
I forgot about it.. haahhahaha I was over excited to try out my adrenalin..
From Ontang Anting, we moved to Arung Jeram.. It was less ccrowded there, so we played that game twice..
I got wet from my top till my toe.. hahahaha But, I enjoyed every single moment I had in there.. =))
Then we played Rajawali, Perang Bintang, Poci Poci, Niagara, Kora Kora and Bianglala..
My favorite is Rajawali, though I was afraid of height, but we could see the whole Fantasy world from Rajawali.. It was breathtaking view, I could see the sea.. ^^
However, silvi couldn't stand played Rajawali,so after we stepped the earth, siLvi thrown up.. But, fortunately, she get well soon.. =)
Niagara was the most, um what should I say, a terrific vehicle.. I mean terrific in a good way and in a bad way..
The bad thing was: Me and all my friends were so scared!!! Niagara made us scream very very very Loud.. ckck.. Especially the one who sat in the front row and the backside row.. Dicky-Rico and Penyu-Jeremy..
Front and backside row are the most frightened row.. hahahah
The good thing was: it was FUN!!!hahahah =pp
We closed our day at Bianglala.. the scenery was beautiful.. After played many games and felt extremely tired, bianglala is the best vehicle to ride in.. heeheh ^
Our day wasn't finish untill that..
We took a boat, we acrossed the sea in the noon (almost sunset)..
We went to Le Bridge.. a restaurant in the middle of the sea.. ^^ Love it..
After having our dinner and didn't forget to took picture together, we went home..
By Khristy's Car..heheh=)
One more information, I escaped from my duty to go to English course..
the most sky laterns fl0wn simultaneously
At 5th December 2009, I, together with my sist my mom and my lil brother, went to Ancol Carnaval Beach..
We participated to broke the Guinness Book Record by flew more than 10.000 laterns..
It was really breathtaking view when we saw the 10.000 laterns flew in the night sky..
I share you some of the photos I had taken that night...
Here they are..
I will not forget that moment.. =)
Moreover, Before we flew the laterns, we wrote our hopes and wishes in the Laterns..
We pray that God will fulfill our wishes..
My Korean Name
My Korean name is Park Min Hyo.
Take Korean Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
Final Exam Result
akhir na setelah perjuangan meLelahkan selama seminggu,,
ulum sLese jg.. fiuhh..
tP penderitaan lum berakhir bwt anaQ" kLas 3,
bgthu sLese ulum, anaQ kls 3 masi harus pLng siank, bLajar sePerti biasa
pLus ada PM..
For Gawd Sake..
Hate it so much..
gaQ bs nyante apa yh?
Btw, my final exam result for this semester had been announced
scara keseluruhan g lmyn puas ama hasil na
akhir na perjuangan g seTimpal am hasil na..
I got the highest score for chemistry, math, physics and mandarin..
however, i always remind my self :
"Never forget to send the elevator down, when you reach the top"
hahaha what a wise advice i ever got..
Bye, have a nice day everyone.. XOXO
Goo Hye Sun is a Business Woman (too)
Yah, kalo ngomongin yang namanya Goo Hye Sun emang gak bisa lepas dari kekaguman kita akan kejutan-kejutan dan kontribusinya yang SANGAT besar dan tidak biasa sebagai seorang artis. Goo Hye Sun adalah artis SEJATI, yang kalo biasa kita tau, kiprah seorang artis terbatas kalo gak akting ya nyanyi…
Kita bener-bener melihat kualitas yang luar biasa untuk seorang artis dari diri Goo Hye Sun ini pemirsa, seperti akting, modelling, menulis novel, sutradara, penyanyi, komposer lagu, dan pelukis.
Masih belon puas juga, sekarang Goo Hye Sun akan merambah dunia bisnis dengan membuka sebuah art cafe gallery yang diberi nama Cafe Manolin
Dikabarkan Kafe ini adalah kepunyaan Goo Hye Sun sendiri, namun dikelola oleh sodaranya, plus desain interior serta penataan ruangan didesain langsung oleh Goo Hye Sun sendiri!!
Lantai satunya adalah sebuah galeri seni yang saat ini sedang memamerkan karya-karya lukisan Goo Hye Sun yang beberapa waktu yang lalu pernah dipublikasikan. Rencananya di masa depan nanti akan dipajang pula hasil karya seni dari beberapa seniman lain.
Di Lantai duanya baru deh dibuat konsep kafe yang beneran. Setiap inci dan sudut dari bangunan ini didesain dan dihias sedemikian rupa oleh Goo Hye Sun, sehingga memberikan kesan cozy dan nuansa rumahan yang hangat kepada para pengunjung kafe, untuk sekedar melepas lelah sambil minum secangkir teh atau kopi dan menyantap cemilan di bawah hangatnya mentari. Liat aja tuh beberapa asesoris bantal berbentuk kucing, barang-barang antik, buku-buku dengan rak-rak yang unik, karpet-karpet yang lembut, serta mainan karakter-karakter Disney yang berjejer rapi (Awas aja tuh ada bocah ingusan yang diem-diem nyolong tu maenan-maenan yang lucu…!!). Walopun gak ada di pic di bawah ini, direncanakan Goo Hye Sun akan menaruh sebuah piano di salah satu sudut ruangan. Yah, kalo doi lagi mampir kan bisa nyanyi-nyanyi en maenin piano buat para fansnya tuh…