Fish Spa
Hari ini g coba yang nama na Fish Spa...
coz kata na fish sPa bgus bwt kulit kaki..
bs ngangkat sel kulit mati n ngilangin bekas2 luka d kaki...
Q: rasa na gmna??
g Berasa dikelitikin gthu...
kaya kesetrum jg sie..
heheheh ^^
g jd ketagihan.. ntar g maw fish sPa lg ah..
td mega cm ngeliatin n temenin g doank..
coz dy gaQ berani..
takut ama ikan na...
padahal ikan na kecil,, kaya kecebong..
g telen jg abizh thu ikan..
tP gara2 ngeliat g asiQ2 aja..
mega jd penasaran , n kPan2 pgen coba jg...
Pelantikan PMR (Palang Merah Remaja)
TO: The Simulation of National Exams!!!
I really hate being a 3rd grade student..
I must face many annoying and useless exams..
Let me make a list why I don't like being a 3rd grade Student..
- We have National Exams which covers 6 subjects (Math, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Bahasa, and English) . The exams materials are from what we've learned during 1st grade till 3rd grade.. For Gawd's Sake!!! It's already teribble to have tests from only 3rd grade and now the government want us to learn ALL !!! arrggghh
- Before National Exam, we have TRY OUT (TO).. try out is kinda of simulation of National Exams.We will have try out for four times (it's different for each schools) ..From 11th-13th January i've already done my First try out.. And you know how was it going??? It was a NIGHTMARE!!!!!! Let me explain in details..
the first day of TO is bahasa and Physics... In my opinion, Bahasa wasn't so hard compare to the other subjects.. I had practiced Bahasa from National Exams Preparation Books... Practices make perfect, I guess.. hahahah
Then, Physics.. I am afraid of physics... I think Physics is a challenging and brainstorming subject... I' studied hard for Physics Try out.. However, the Try Out wasn't hard.. I mean, I could do it easily.. Because, the exams was 100% same with the homework that had been given to us.. I'm not sure I can do the exam easily if I haven't done it before...hahaha
Math, Biology, and Chemistry were terrible...!!!! Especially chemistry... I am totally hopeless.. T,T grrr..
In Biology TO , there are several numbers that I think was hard.. Because I already blank and didn't have any idea, I just looking at Lee Min Ho poster which I put at my class' wall, exactly near my seat.. Looking at Min Ho cute Face always make me feel better.. hahahaha Bu Tyas who was mentoring my class during Biology TO, knew that I kept looking at Min Ho.. And apparently, she's also Gu Jun Pyo aka Lee Min Ho's Fan.. ^^
And, I think my friends also got difficulties when doing the TO.. A friend of mine, Jessica Gozali,, she was guessing 40 numbers from 40 questions of chemistry..I think she was totally hopeless.. hahaha XDD
Rico Jo, Jess's boyfriend, isn't better than his girl , he slept during the Biology and Chemistry TO, and at the end of the test he asked Risca to mention randomly from A,B,C,D or E.. and he filled the answer sheet just from what Risca said.. =D hahaha
I studied hard for the TO.. Perhaps, I need more practice and study harder in the future.. =)) wish me luck fot the national exams...
Cabut gigi ke-3!!
nie gigi geraham atas g.. ^^
nie gigi ke 3 yg baru2 ini g cabut..^^ inie gigi gerham bawah..
Kmrn, tgl 5 Januari 2010, g cabut gigi lagi..
Cabut gigi utk ketiga kali na..
kata dokter na, g harus cabut 4 gigi: 2 gigi atas, 2 gigi bawah..
g ud cabut 2 gigi atas thun lalu.. =))
So,, tinggal 1 gigi bawah lagi yg msti dicabut..
Rencana na besuK g mw ke dokter gigi lagi buat cabut gigi yg ke 4 kali na..
hahahahah sesudah ithu beres sudah ..
ada temen g bernama RICO acu JOHARI..
dokter gigi g n dy sama...
ternyata si Ico jg disuru cabut gigi ama dokter na..
(tP dy lbh dulu cabut dari pada g)
trusss, pas Ico ketemu g,, dy supeeerrr dupperrr norak...
dy cerita kLo cabut gigi thu parah bnget.. saKit.. lama bgd.. berdarah darah..
(dy cerita dengan gaya lebai dy tentu na) hahahaha
G jd ketakutan gara2 dy...
g mpe tegang n nervous gthu..
seharusna g gaQ us takut yh, coz g ud pRnh cabut gigi 2 kali..
tapiii,,, yg mnjd masalah adalah:
g ud lupa rasa na cabut gigi,, bizh, beda waktu antara cabut gigi ke 1 ke 2 ,,beda agak jauh ama cabut gigi ke 3..
Jadi begitu Ico cerita ttng pengalaman menakutkan dy cabut gigi, g jd agak terpengaruh,, g jd agak takut gthu.. (=,=)")
bgthu g mPe d dokter gigi..
(masi takut maksimum)..
obat bius na pahiiitt.. ughhh.. >.<
dokter na suru g jgn tegang, nyantai ajah..
ternyata, cabut gigi thu cepet bgd,, sumpah dE..
dokter kasi obat bius,
trus ngek kiri ngek kanan, tarik, lngsng tercabut..
RICO JOHARI lebay.... Cemen dy.. wqwqwq XDD cabut gigi gaQ sakit2 amat...
emang berdarah sie, taPi, bebrP jam kemudian darah na berhenti..
g ngerasa cabut gigi yg ke 3 ini gQ sesakid cabut gigi ke 1 n ke 2..
g masi inget, waktu cabut gigi ke 1 n ke 2..
g cuma bs makan bubur polos..
bener2 polos..
g masi inget kejadian g bLi bubur pasca g cabut gigi ke 1 n ke2..
aBang na mpe bingung ama pesenan g.. Cengo dy..
g bLank gni ke dy: " Bang bubur polos satu yh, bener2 polos.. gaQ pake ayam, gaQ pake cakwe, gaQ pke bawang goreng, gaQ pke kacang , gaQ pke kerupuk , gaQ pke ati ampela"
Abang menjwab: "Jadi bubur pake kecap ajah?" dy bertanya dgn ekspresi bingung..
MENYEDIHKAN BGD de.. GAq enaQ bgd makan bubur+kecap doank..
berat badan g jd turun drastis..
g yg awal na ud kurus, jd mkin kurus...
hahahaha (lebayy sie)
pokok na cabut gigi ke 1 n ke 2 g bner2 sengsara, makan susah, gosok gigi susah, mw ngomong ajah males...
taPi yg baru2 ini, koQ g fine2 ajah yh..
gaQ sesakid sebelum na..
knapa yah? ada yg taU mengapa?