Another photos from Cafe Manolin of Goo Hye Sun

I really wish I could visit Sun unnie Cafe someday..
the menu and the beverages looks really yummy..
heheheh (:
the cafe also looks really comfortable and cozy..
Aaahh.. Hye Sun Unnie is so talented, even in entrepreneur things...
Aja aja Fighting unnie..
all the best for your cafe..

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New Fro-Yo : Eat Me Alice

ada frozen yoghurt baru di City Walk Sudirman..
nama na Eat Me Alice..
kaya na ini fro-yo dr Jepang coz ada tulisan kanji Jepang gthu..
(sotoy mode: on)
Btw, fro-yo ini bLeh dicoba coz ada promo buy 1 get 1 (2 topping) 
bagi pengguna XL..
lumayan kan
Q: rasa na gmn? enaQ gaQ?
A: hmm, fro-yo na maniss bgd mnrut g..
taPi krn g pake topping stroberi
n rasa stroberi na thu asem bgd..
rasa fro-yo na jd gaQ trLLu manis lg dE.. (:
but, mnrut g , tekstur fro-yo na (cie eLah cara ngomong g ud kaya pakar kuliner gthu)
kasar.. gaQ lembut.. kLo kaya sour sally, tekstur na kan lembut,, enaQ nelen na..
taPi yoghurt yg satu ini not bad jg lah..
hehehe (:

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Valentine Day

Valentine Day tahun ini g gaQ ks cokelat ke pacar..
cuz I don't have a boyfriend..
taPi, g tetep kasi cokelat bwt someone sPecial g..
I gave it to my Mom n Dad..
and they loved it..

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The tigers show..the tigers looked scary and fierce..ahahah

The elephants show..

Russian acrobatics.. Nice.. ^^

Last Sunday, I watched circus with my siblings
The show was great..

My favorite show was the bike show..
15 men in one small bike..
I just can't imagine how could they do that..
unfortunately, i didn't get the photos when the men were all in one bike.. =(

there was also tigers and elephants show..
ooo, and the parrots show..
the parrot could do some mathematic.. hahah
I also watched Simpanse show..
the simpanse could ride a motorcycle.. funny..

by the way, the elephants smelled pretty bad.. =pp

Moreover,we were also entertained by Russian acrobatics..
Really Nice..^^

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