Year Book Photoshoot

tanggal 16/04/2010 kmrn.. anak2 kelas 3 SMA Qmur 2 ke Taman Tomang (Taman yg deket TA)
qta k sono bwt foto bareng2 bwt yerbuk..tema yearbook na : Nature alias Alam..hhahah
bwt foto year book kali ini,
g pake jeans mini dress tali sPaghetti pLus red cardigan n sandal gladiator.. :P
pertama.. foto 1 kelas pLus waLi kelas.. 12 IPA, 12 IPS 1, n 12 IPS 2..
trus,, foto sndiri2 bwt profiLe picute..

trusss, foto 1 angkatan dE.. hehehe (:
g baru pertama kali k sini..
tmpT na lmyn la..
adem.. apLagi g dtg na pagi2..heheh
bnyak pohon... berasa kaya d puncak..
haahaha :P
bnyak jajanan jg di sini..
ad yg jual nasi campur, gorengan, n es doger.. :P
trus bnyak org yg pacaran jg d sini (alias mojok2an d semak2, gaQ taU dE mrk ngapaen)..
These are some picture I took at Taman Tomang with my beloved friends.. (:

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My Face Turned As Red As Tomato :(

Last night (3/4/2010) I had a dinner with my family at Pizza Hut restaurant..

However, my Dad couldn't join us because he still had some works to manage..

So, it's just me, my Mom, Mega and Indra who had dinner together..

We ordered many pasta that night.. Why? Because Pizza Hut has a promo..

If you buy 2 pasta, you'll get 1 scoop ice cream (any flavor) for free..

So, we ordered Fisherman Spaghetti, Oriental Chicken Spaghetti, Beef Fettuccine,
Fusili, Pizza, Mushroom Cream Soup, and Beef Sausages..

We enjoyed the food.. The pasta were yummy and creamy.. Love it..

Well, except the oriental chicken spaghetti I think.. It wasn't so delicious. :(

After we finished all the main courses, the ice creams came out..

The ice creams was put in beautiful glasses.. I like the glasses.. :D

I asked Mega whether we can bring the glasses home or not..

And Mega said we can bring the glasses home.. Although Indra wasn't really sure..

Then, we decided to go home..

With full of confidence I walked to the door (of course) brought my glass..

Suddenly, a waiter came to me and told me that I couldn't bring the glass home..

Gosh!! I was really embarrassed.. All the eyes in the room were on me.. :(

So, I walked back to my seat and finished my ice cream with my face turned as red as tomato.. :(

Mega who was also held the glass, was more lucky than me.
She said that she saw me walked to the door.

.And at the same time she saw a manager (perhaps) spoke to a waiter,
" Hey!! The girl in orange shirt is going to bring the glass home.. Tell her soon!!"
( I wore orange shirt that night )

Because Mega saw the manager spoke like that,
she decided to go back to her seat and didn't follow me to the door..
So, it's only me who got embarrassed.. T.T

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Nonton bareng How to Train Your Dragon 3D

4 narsis girls in 3D glasses.. (:

Foto2 narsis d Foodcourt Puri.. :D

Hari kamis (1/4/2010).. g , siLvi, jejeng, cica k puri nntn How to Train Your Dragon in 3D..
ini pertama kali na g nntn 3D.. hahaha
siLvi ud prnh nntn 3D seBLum na ama dcKy..
acara nntn na gaQ direncanain sama sekali.. tiba2 gthu..
berhubung hr jumat na lbur n hr ini pLng cepet, qta memutuskan utk nntn.. (;
g mala gaQ bawa duit ato Hp (cica jg sama aja)
duit d kantong g cm tinggal 2 rb perak.. LOL! :D
so, qta pLng k hum siLvi dulu (untung hum siLvi dket dr skul)
g n cica pinjem duit dr siLvi.. hehehe
truss qta naek taksi k puri..
film na bagus dE.. abis nntn film ini g jd pgen pnya piaraan Naga..
N cica jg pgen pnya naga.. haha konyol abis.. =D
btw, foto yg qta ber4 pake kacamata 3D thu foto hasiL jepretan org gaQ dknal d bioskop..
haahaha tebel muka minta diFotoin ..=)

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