Graduation Day ♥ ♫ ♥

tanggal 27 Mei 2010 angkatan 2009/2010 SMA Kemurnian diwisuda..
Qta semua resmi lulus dari sekolah SMA Kemurnian..

Di hari spesial ini, yg cewe2 pada pake kebaya..
asoy dah.. cakep2 semua.. hehehe :[)

Yg cowo na pada pake kemeja dasi pLus jas.. pada keren2..
udah kaya eksekutif muda ajh.. LOL.. =p

bener2 gaQ nyangka kLo 3 taon thu berlalu dgn amat sgt cepat.. >.<
perasaan baru kmrn g d MOS.. trus masuk kLas 10B..
naek ke kelas 11 IPA trus 12 IPA..

trus knalan ama 3 little pigs: cica jejeng siLvi..
g pasti bakal kangen saat2 g duduk di kelas, ngegossip bareng , ngeJayus bareng,
ngobroL bareng, maen capsa bareng ampe beLajar bareng..

Semua na , mule dr susah seneng , ketawa nangis, temenan musuhan..
ithu smua g alamin d SMA Kemurnian II..
saat2 qta jalan2 bareng.. blajar bareng bwt UAN..
nangis bareng gara2 hasil try out yg ancur n takut gaQ lulus..
diomelin n dihukum guru bareng!!!

juga eksul2 na..
terutama eksul PMR..
senior2 yg nyeremin..
mPe junior yg nyebelin n bikin keki..
G n siLvi yg sLLu Bolos eksul PMR bgthu ud jadi senior..
yg bikin ivana elvina evelyn kesel..
sory yah.. =)

akhir na tanggal 27 kmrn semua bner2 sLese..
g bner2 ud tamat dr SMA..
g ud gaQ bs lagi pake seragam puti abu2, seragam puti kotak2 n seragam batik
(yg walaupun mnrt g jLeQ)..
g pasti kangen saat2 g harus pake thu seragam2 jeleQ... :[)

g cma mau ucapin sPecial thanks bwt SEMUA guru2 yg ud sabar bgg n bae bgd ngajarin qta..
dr Pak Sepdon yg jadi wali kelas g sLama 2 thn berturut2..
Pak JenJen yg pinter bgd ngajar mat na..
Miss Christine si guru inggris yg cakep tapi kdg2 judes jg.. hahaaha
Bu Nur yg seLaLu ngomel2 (tp seBner-na seneng) tiap kali digosipin
ama Pak Iwan / Pak JenJen.. :[)
Pak Sumardi, Bu Yanti, Bu Yatmi, Miss Martha, Pak Sugi, mPe lao shi Zhang n
masi byk lagi yg gaq bs g ucapin semua..

I LOVE YOU all..

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High School is Never End

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Percy Jackson & The Olympians

#2 The Sea of Monsters (English Version)

#2 The Sea of Monsters (Indonesian Version)

#3 The Titan's Curse (English Version)

#3 The Titan's Curse (Indonesian Version)

Have you watched Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief Movie?

Sure enough that most of you've watched this cool movie..Also, its HOT main actor : Logan Lerman..

Logan is obviously cute, but I will not post about him now.. I wanna talk about Rick Riordan's AWESOME novels: Percy Jackson & The Olympians ..

There are 5 series of Mr. Riordan masterpieces:
  • The Lightning Thief

  • The Sea of Monsters

  • The Titan's Curse

  • The Battle of Labyrinth

  • The Last Olympian

I've read the first, second, and third book.. Wanna know my comment about these books?? :[)

In my opinion, these books are AWESOME and breathtakingly ADVENTUROUS yet UNIQUE..

These books tell about story in our modern life where Mythology Greek gods isn't only a myth..

They are immortal, powerful and they may have kids with mortal.. and the kids that born from the gods are called as the half blood.. Percy Jackson , our main character, is the Son of Sea God (Poseidon).. :[)

the books tell about Percy's adventure saving the Olympians and the world from Dark Titan: Kronos.. For the complete stories, please read these books by yourself, Ladies and Gentlemen.. Once you read it, you ain't put it down.. :[)

In my opinion, Percy Jackson series has some common with Harry Potter series..

Percy and Harry are both trying to save their own 'world' from the Dark.. Percy's trying to save the Olympians from Kronos and Harry's trying to save his world from Lord Voldemort..
Moreover, both their journey they are always accompanied by their friends..

Both of Percy Jackson and Harry Potter are also related with magic things..such as prophecy.. Harry's life is always related with prophecy.. The same thing also happens to Percy's life..

Rick Riordan has brought us a new and funny heroic tale,full of action, friendship, and superhuman powers.. :[)

have a happy reading, readers..

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♥ Michelle 18 Bday Party ♥

tanggal 9 Mei kmrn, michelle ultah yg ke 18..

Heppi buffdae yh chelle..

Wish u all the best and may all your dreams come true..

God Bless U always .. ♥


trus tgL 10 Mei / hr senen michelle undang qta makan2 d fX (Bistro Delifrance)..

jejeng gaQ bs dateng coz dy ada urusan ama tante christine..

ivana jg gaQ bs dateng coz ada les manga.. (:

makanan na enaQ"..g suka dessert na: Mini Fruit Tart.. enaQ loh.. ♥

tP d sni si Cica sempet sakid gthu.. badan dy menggigil ..

padahal pas siank na g ktmu dy d hum siLvi, thu anaQ masi sehat2 ajah..

so, chelle pesenin cica hot tea.. g pnjemin cica jaket g...

coz acara na mPe sore, jam 6an..

g gaQ sempet les elokuensi dE.. bolos.. hahahaha (:

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A.N.Y.E.R (A Thousand Memories of 3 Years)

Dear Diary..
tgl 8 Mei 2010 kmrn, anak2 kLas 12 IPA, 12 IPS 1 n 12 IPS 2 plus guru2 pergi jalan2 k Anyer..
GaQ nginep sie... Qta pergi malem, pulang pagi..
G enjoy bgd ama nie acara.. Seru.. FUN!! =)
2 thumbs uP de bwt panitia (cica, nopHi, irma, shintia, ponkz, cndy, dkk) yg ud nyiapin acara ini...

Jam 6 Pagi qta ngumpul d skula.. Jam 7an qta ud omw Anyer..
G satu bus ama cica, siLvi, reina, jejeng, vira, erik, nophi, irma...
(sayang ada bebrp anaK yg gaQ bs ikud..kaya Dana, Sani.. T.T )
d bus, rei, sIL, vira, jejeng pada maen cap sa .. ckck.. dasar thu org" , d mn mn maen caP sa mulu.. gaQ bosen apa?? hahahaha (:

Kira2 jam 10an qta nyampe d Hotel Nuansa Bali*** , Anyer.. Pas qta nyampe, mendung gthu, n agk sedikit gerimis..untung cuma seBtr..
Bgthu nyampe, qTa lgsng dKasi mnum aer klapa.. Mantappp..
truss, acara bebas.. qta maen2 d pantai.. gaQ ktinggaLan foto2..
Coz cica panitia, dy gaQ bs maen mulu ama Qta, dy msti nyiapin acara..

jadi, g , vira , siL keLiling hotel na.. hotel na pewe jg.. (: pas qta ge kLiLing , qta ktmu tkng tattoo..
trus Qta nego harga,, bakal dapet murah kalo ajak bnyk temen..
so, g ajak rei n jejeng yg ge ngaso bwt tattoo an jg.. tapi mrk gaQ mau.. jadi, cuma g, siL, viRa, cun" n Cica yg tattoo an.. g n vira bkin tattoo d tangan, siLvi bkin tattoo gelang kaki n cica bKin tattoo gbr tongkat poseidon d lengan bawah dy.. (:

abis thu, qta makan siank.. ada suP asparagus, fu yung hay, brokoli, ayam goreng n es buah.. (:

trus, acara bebas lagi sie.. jadi Qta maen d pantai lg.. guru" co n anaQ" co pada maen bola d pantai.. ada jg yg surFing.. g siL syLvia vira khristy dll maen "meLawan ombak".. hahaha agk syok jg sie pas ketemu ombak gede.. aer laut nan asin masuK k idung n mulut.. hahah tP seru.. apLagi trus pak sepdon gabung maen.. (: seLaen thu, ada game jg yg ud disiapin panitia n hotel, kaya tarik tambang, bakiak, dll..

trus pas acara maen gebuk bantal d kolam..cica manggil g n siLvi.. dy ajakin qta be2 bwt mandi duluan coz kalo gaQ ntar kburu ngantri / rebutan ama anaQ" laen.. Um, mgkn ini satu2 na kekurangan dr acara ini.. kamar mandi na!!! masa kamar mandi na gaQ ada ember, gayung, gantungan baju.. cuma ada keran aer,, trs tmpt na gelap lagi.. ckckck..

taPi untung qta ber3 mandi dulu.. jd pas anaQ" laen ngantri mandi, qta ud wangi n bersih.. hehehehe
so, pas tggu in yg laen sLese mandi, g siLvi cica nyari makanan.. td na mw makan baso, tP baso na ud gaQ ad.. jd qta makan pop mie d pinggir pantai.. kebetulan d sono ad Lao Shi jg, jd sambiL ngobrol ama Lao sHi dE.. (: popmie g dBayarin ama lao shi lg.. jd Bu Hao Yi Si.. hehehe (:

gaQ lama abis semua org mandi, qta makan malem.. trus acara puncak, semacem prom nite I guess^.. d acara ini qta gather bareng.. dPuterin sLide show foto" qta bareng" selama 3 thn SMa.. aer mata mule bercucuran.. g pasti bakal kangen ama masa2 SMA g.. T.T it was the best thing I ever had.. I surely will miss my friends..

trus MC (ponkz n shintia) ceritain kisah2 konyol , lucu, seru , mpe kisah nyebelin qta sLama d SMA.. jg ttg guru2 yg mgkn qta sebelin sLama d SMA , but surely we'll miss them someday.. (:
trus, qta k pinggir pantai.. ada api unggun.. qta nyanyi bareng" (lagu na laskar pelangi) trus jg ada acara maap2 an.. qta peluk2an n mnta maap ama tmn" sweet moment .. (:
acara hari itu ditutup dgn pesta kembang api.. (:

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♥ Khristy 18 Birthday Party ♥

Dear Diary... tanggal 4 Mei kemaren Khristy ultah yg ke 18..
Heppi buffdae yh Ty..
Wish u all the best dahling.. (:

truss, Khristy ngundang Qta makan2 d Pancious Permata Hijau...
Yippeeeee... hahaha (:
acara makan2 na jam 4 sore..

hari itu qta sempet masuQ skul latihan bwt GD..Tapi jam 11 udah pulang sie..
G, cica, siLvi pulang k hum jejeng... ntar Qta brgkt bareng nykap Jejeng ke Panciuos na..

pas tggu dJemput ama tante Christine aka Nykap Jejeng,, qta ber4 mampir makan bakso n pempek dulu (enaQ :p ) .. eh gaQ taU na diajak makan lagi ama tante christine..
diajak makan bakmi ALOK.. g lum prnh makan bakmie ALOK sebelum na..

ternyata bakmie ALOK enaQ bgd yahhhhh... yummy.. tengs tante .. :P
Mpe d hum jejeng dikasi makan lagi: cookies cokelat, nastar, dll..

Babi bgd lah g hari itu.. makan mulu. hahahah

D hum jejeng qta ngobrol2 n kuteks an.. hahah centil mode: ON trus
g, siLvi , Jejeng diDongengin Percy Jackson ama Cica..

PEWE bgd dah.. kamar na dingin..tdran d lantai pake bantal + ngemil, trus ada yg menDongeng lagi.. Mantappp beibeh! Tengs Ca bwt dongeng na.. :D HAhaha

jam 3 qta siap2.. mandi, dandan, ngeroll, catok.. (P.S g gaQ ikutan ngeroll dandan ato catok yh, g gaQ centil kaya thu 3 BABI.. hahahaha :P )

@ Pancious
waktu g jejeng cica siLvi mPe sono (sekitar jam 4.30) yg dtg baru xty micel ivana octa cun2..
taPi gaQ lama qTa mPe, christian dkk, sanii, mona , dana jg nyampe.. (:
sayang reina gaQ bs dateng.. kata na sanni dy ge sakit.. Get well soon yah.. (:
trus Qta makan2 dE.. btw, g suka dessert na.. pancake na enaQ.. ada es krim vanilla n chocolate lumer gthu.. yummy.. tengs yh ty.. (:

(P.S g ketemu ama Nafa Ubrach n Jupiter loh.. artis loh!! lol.. dy duduk di meja persis d bLakang meja g, dana , n siLvi.. hehehe taPi qta gaQ ada yg berani nyapa ato mnt tanda tgn/vto bareng.. :P )

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