생일 축하 Papa.. ♥ ♥

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Spread the Wonder with WONDER GIRLS

June 20th, 2010 is the best day in my life..

I met my favorite K-POP musician: The WONDER GIRLS.. :[)

Yes, these 5 beautiful ladies came to Jakarta..

Thanks to Sony Ericsson Asia Pacific for bringing this Korean vocal group to Indonesia..

Wonder Girls is Sony Ericsson Digital Brand Ambassador.. So, SE brought Wonder Girls to Jakarta to promote Sony Ericsson's new phones..

Wonder Girls held a showcase at Balai Kartini..

However, they didn't sell the tickets.. You could only get the tickets if you buy Sony Ericsson Hand Phone or Etude products..

At first, I'm not so excited about Wonder Girls' showcase as it was impossible for me to get the ticket.. (My Mom will not allow me to buy SE new phone )

Honestly, I was really sad to face the fact that I couldn't met the Wonder Girls.. :'(

But.. lucky for me.. My friend, Khristy, got the tickets.. She got 4 tickets for the showcase!!!

So, me, khristy, Rere and Christian went to Balai Kartini at June 20th.. Yipeeee :[)

And apparently, Lenny also went to the showcase! :) She was with her cousin.. :)

We arrived at 2pm.. there were already a lot of Wonderfuls (Wonder Girls' fans).. Despite the fact that the showcase started at 6pm..

at 4.30 pm, the door was finally opened.. but, the show was actually started at 7 pm..

Imagine that readers! We stand up for almost 5 hours.. But, the Wonder Girls hadn't appeared yet.. :'( :'(

Fortunately, I got the first row.. So I could saw the stage more clearly than Khristy, Rere or Christian..

We had S.H.E and Vidi Aldiano for the opening stage.. S.H.E brought 5 songs and Vidi sang 4 songs..

at 8.30 pm WONDER GIRLS finally came to the stage.. Yeaahhhhhh!!!

all the back pain and legs acheI had because of standing for hours was suddenly all gone after I saw WONDER GIRLS.. :[) :[)

The Wonder Girls is 10x times more beautiful in LIVE..all of them have pretty fair skin.. :) Even Yubin who is known for her tanned skin, isn't really has tanned skin.. In my opinion, Yubin's skin is so attractive and sexy.. :[)

I really envy So Hee's long legs.. :)
So Hee is truly a WONDER GIRLS cutie..
Mandu So Hee

Park Ye Eun made me surprise by the way she spoke Bahasa..
She could speak Bahasa pretty good.. :)

Sun Ye is TRULY a godess!! GORGEOUS!! No wonder, SuJu's Dong Hae fall for her.. kekeke :[)

Yubin is SO SEXY and HOT.. I believe there are no apropriate words that can describe Yubin's sexiness.. hahahah :[)

And Hye Lim is much cuter than when I saw her at MV or photos.. I like her more and more..

That night, Wonder Girls sang 6 songs.. --> 2 Different Tears, PCD's Don't Cha, This Time, So Hot, Nobody and Tell Me..

I really had a WONDERFUL night with the WONDER GIRLS..
WONDER GIRLS forever!!

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WE ♥ Kemurnian II High School

@ Bakmi Borneo..
One of my favorite dish during my high school days.. :[)
Delicious, satisfy my hungry stomach and the price is friendly with my allowance..

in the 2nd floor of our school..
In this floor, we have chemistry lab, biology lab, and computer lab..

Informal lounge nears Kemurnian II Kindergarten,
where the students like to spend their time after school..

Inside my class, 12 Science Class
We and The whiteboard..
I'm gonna miss this whiteboard..
We used to study from this whiteboard.. :'(

The stairs next to 11 Science class and near the toilet rooms..
When I was in 11 grade, I always used this stairs..
Since it is the nearest stairs to get to my class, 11 Science class..

In front of my lovely class, 12 Science class

In front of 10 B class.. my previous class..
with Leo and Bojonk, my previous classmate :[)

In front of 12 Science class with cica..
one of our favorite spot when we had nothing to do in the class..
We can see our school's basketball court and soccer field from here..
We can see the boys play soccer or basket from here..

In the school hallway.. :[)

Models: Me (Lydia Putri) & Risca & Bojonk
Photographer: Leonardo
and The Camera belongs to: Christian

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Jessica Gozila's 18 Bday Party ♫ ♥ ♫

tgl 31 Mei 2010..
putri ketiga dr Nona Christin n Tuan Handoyo berulang tahun yg ke 18..
Si Gozila ini akhir na berumur 18...

g cica siLvi sibuk bikin rencana n nyari kado bwt si gendut ini..
paling ribet wkt nyari kue bwt dy..
Banyak mau na nie gozila..
dy request gaQ mw kue yg gede2 ato bnyk ,, coz dy gaQ suka kue..
dy mau kue yg dikit aja n small portion..
ckckck.. bner2 ud gaQ ad surprise2 na lg..
LOL.. :[)

akhr na qta bLiin 3 cupcakes aj..
Inget yah!! nie bukan karena qta pelit cma mau bLiin 3 cupcakes,
tP ini request dr si gozila..
tiap cupcakes na ada 1 huruf, masing2 I, K, A ..
ika thu panggilan om handoyo n tante christin byk si gozila.. :P

Bwt kado si gozila, qta beliin dress + bando mickey wrn biru..
(coz dy suka mickey n wrn biru)..

sblm ks surprise k gozila.. qta ber3 mampir k cl dulu..
reina rico dcky indra mnt tolong qta wt nyariin kado bwt jejeng..
qta bellin c jejeng BH + kolor n tas babi yg mirip bgd ama muka jejeng..
sngaja qta beliin BH spy BH ithu bs menopang jejeng sperti qta2 menopang hidup jejeng..

qta janjian ktmu ama gozila d TA ..
sngaja qta blg kl qta ud mpe TA dr jam 10
(pdhl qta ber3 ms d hum silvi)
si gozila buru2 k TA de..
pdhl qta bru dtg jam 12 an.. hahahah
ngerjain org yg ge ultah boleh dunk?? :p

qta nyuru si gozila tggu d dpn XXI..
trus,, dr blkng gozila qta tba2 dtg sambil bawa cupcakes (masing2 satu),
sambil nyanyi Happy Birthday..
Bodo amat lah diLiatin org2.. hahahah
coz jejeng gaQ mw makan cupcakes na,
n drPd cupcakes na kbuamg percuma, qta templokin k muka n baju dy aja..

coz baju jejeng kotor kna kue,
qta suru dy ganti baju pake kado dr qta,
plus pake bando mickey n nenteng tas babi pinky.. hahahaha
jejeng mPe gaQ mau kLuar dr WC..
pdahal jejeng 'CANTIK' bgd loh..

trus qta makan2 d fish & co.
ternyata d Fish & Co. masi ad surprise lg..
jejeng jd member na Fish & Co.
kLo memeber,, ultah dPt didc 30% n dKasi surprise.. :[)
pas qta ud sLese makan, n ge enaQ2 ngobrol,
tba2 dr bLkg na jejeng dtg belasan karyawan Fish & Co.
bawa kue n nyanyi2 , RALAT, bukan nyanyi tP teriak2..
teriak2 kaya org tawuran..
silvi jejeng mpe jantungan..
Malu bgd lah.. hahahahha

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