A Song for the Girls Around the World


This song is for the girls all around the world

Girls i know what you got deep inside
And i just wanna say something
So listen

Hello hello - just follow your heart
Your feelings are right
Wherever you want, wherever you hoped for - yeah

Hey buddy - keep that up and you might lose it
Just start - then the path will open up again
You can do it - it can happen

I couldn't do it because i had no courage
I used to always hesitate because of my pride but i say

Girls girls i'm a wonder girl
Can be the only one in the world
Speak your heart right now
And i say you, you and you, you, you, you
Can be the best girl in the end
However you feel like - it will come true

Say hello - start the conversation first
Take the first steps to approach
To me, who always only dreamed in my imagination

Hey miss - your chance as come
Hold onto it - don't lose it now
You want to do it - you wanted it too

I'll be honest - because of my fear,
My days were always repeats of ordinary days but i say

Girls girls i'm a wonder girl
Can be the only one in the world
Speak your heart right now
And i say you, you and you, you, you, you
Can be the best girl in the end
However you feel like - it will come true

Don't you think you're worth too much to spend plain days like this?
You have things you want to do - you have things you want
If so, then right now, go for it
Hesitation, no - you'll be fine
Today might be hard but imagine tomorrow
Everyone will clap clap clap toward you

I used to hesitate but i say

Girls girls i'm a wonder girl
Can be the only one in the world
Speak your heart right now
And i say you, you and you, you, you, you
Can be the best girl in the end
However you feel like - it will come true

And i say you..
And i say you..
And i say you..
And i - you..
And i - you..

And i say you..
And i say you..
And i say you..
And i - you..

click here to listen to WONDER GIRLS - GIRLS GIRLS

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孤儿院 (The Orphanage) 2011

December 2nd, we, Ningbo University International students , went to the orphanage to share some love with the orphans..

We also help them decorated the corridor .. (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

SWEET GIRLS! LOVE them already..
they was really curios with my digital camera and
asked me whether I can help them to take a pic!
当然可以! It's my pleasure kkkk

Well, I also taught the other children English.. But it's hard to teach them English since they totally blind about alphabet and they still so young that they even still haven't learn their mother language (Chinese) .. But I tried my best .. Wish it's useful for them kkkk

Miss Tania..busy teaching the child English..
She will be a good teacher , I think kkkk

still crying.. 可爱可爱(>^ω^<)喵

the girl in glasses ,she is Korean.. She's really sweet ..
She could handle the children really well..
(left-right) Theo, Nina,one of orphan I forget her name,sorry, Me, and 张贝贝

Don't get me wrong! It wasn't me who made she cried.. Since We came until we left the orphanage , she always crying.. NON STOP.. This little girl has a large amount of tears ,I guess hahaha But I think she's really 可爱 when she's crying.. :)
奶奶,one of the old woman who take care of these children , told us that this little was afraid of us.. This little girl is so shy when she met new people .. Cute !

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I Called this Unconditional Love

Milkshake Vanila IDR 22,000

Sundaes IDR 22,000

Ice Latte IDR 25,000

foto terakhir Indra ama sapi (@Le Bridge) T_____T

Pemandangan dari atas Gondola

Indra @ Bandar Djakarta Ancol

Baby Lobster Bandar Djakarta

Baby Gurita Bandar Djakarta

Ikan Kerapu Bandar Djakarta

Udang Tempura Bandar Djakarta

Cumi Saus Teppanyaki Bandar Djakarta

Indra @ Samudra Suki Puri Indah Mall

Logo Roppan cafe

Chocolate Shake The Roppan

suasana di Roppan Mall Living World

Teh Tarik The Roppan

tengah tengahnya telor setengah manteng+irisan bacon , lapisan bawahnya ada keju

lychees beer

ini rasa Matcha! Thumbs up! enak bangettt!

Tiga hari ini (29,30,31) gw marathon keliling Jakarta-Tangerang-Sentul..

Awalnya kita kira lebaran itu tgl 30, malam takbiran tgl 29.. jadi, tgl 29 malem kita mutusin buat tutup toko lebih awal terus jalan2, kita jalan2 ke Summarecon Serpong Mall.. Di sana kita mutusin buat makan malam di Food Court, kita ada pesen Ayam Gerong Pemuda (yg menurut kita rasanya biasa aja) , Sushi Box by Sushi Tei (ini enak !), Tamani Kafe, Bakso Afung, & Shabu-shabu..

Selesai makan, kita turun ke bawah, jalan2 ke bagian mall yg terbuka.. I need caffeine at that time, I really desire to taste I-never-taste-but-other-people-says-it-tastes-good The Kopi Luwak.. Gw ke Bengsol (Bengawan Solo) buat nyari Kopi Luwak , ternyata itu gak ada di menu mereka.. *kecewa

Meanwhile, Indra ke Wendy’s beli , Mash Potato with Cheese and Broccoli nya Wendy’s ..

Trus kita keliling Farmers Market.. Di sana ada jual Reader’S Digest versi Taiwan, pengen beli, tapi harganya IDR 40,000 .. Gak jadi deh hahahah

Sepanjang perjalanan pulang, gw agak bingung , malam takbiran tapi kok sepi yah? -.-a

The next day, Mama Papa telepon temen mereka yg kebetulan Muslim buat ucapin Selamat Hari Raya Lebaran, eh ternyata dia bilang “Wah , saya lebarannya besok..” waduhh, salah tanggal kita HAHA!

Papa bilang, “udalah tanggung , gak usah buka toko, kita jalan jalan aja hari ini, besok baru buka toko ”

Yeah!!! 爸爸万岁 O(∩_∩)O哈哈~

Kita mampir dulu buat sarapan di Duta Mas, makan Nasi Hainam , Babi panggang, Bebek panggang, Kuah sayur asin & Bubur Ayam… Sedapppp ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Lanjut , kita ke Ancol.. tadinya mau ikut tour ke Pulau Bidadari, tapi gak jadi deh.. Gak siapin apa apa sih.. Plus g liat brosur Pulau Bidadari, kok kayaknya gak menarik yah.. Lebih tertarik ama Pulau Putri, tapi tarifnya lumayan mahal, IDR 900,000 an per person..

Lalu, (karena gw udah pernah ke Le Bridge) , gw recommend in ke Le Bridge ajah,karena menurut gw bisa kongkow2 di sana sambil ngaso sambil minum minum.. hehe Btw, di sana ketemu 1 keluarga (Bapak Ibu Anak ) Korea loh ! *I’m a Korea freak, norak dikit lah.. O ia, trus di sana Indra menyadari kalo jembatan Le Bridge memank berbentuk hati (y) !

Abis dr situ, Papa gw ama Indra naek Gondola di Ancol o(v)o~~好棒 Mama ama Mega gak mau ikutan, “Ah , waktu di Singapore udah pernah naek, kurang lebih sama aja ah”

Harga tiket naek Gondola nya IDR 40,000 per adult.. Lumayan, bisa liat pemandangan Ancol dr atas ~\(≧▽≦)/~~\(≧▽≦)/~

Sekitar jam 3 siang , kita pergi makan ke Bandar Djakarta! I love this Seafood Restaurant ! ❤ Waktu kita datang, lantai bawah amat sangat ramai, jadi kita ke lantai atas, ternyata di lantai atas gak ada tamu sama sekali, haha , asik.. sepertinya, tamu tamu yg laen gak tau kalo di lantai atas juga bisa buat makan..

Selesai makan kita lanjut lagi jalan2 di Sentul.. Sepanjang perjalanan gw molor dengan pulasnya (¯﹃¯)口水 begitu buka mata, Sentul enak juga yah.. masih sepi, tempatnya adem , ada banyak gunung lg.. MAU deh punya villa di sana..

Bellanova Century Mall tujuan kita selanjutnya.. Mall nya gak bagus bagus amat ah.. o(╯□╰)o

Hari ini ada KEJADIAN PENTING! SAPI MENGHILANG! BENER-BENER MENGHILANG! Kita yakin banget, pulang dari Sentul, sapi kita masih ada.. Balik Jakarta, kita sempet mampir ke Total SPBU buat buang air kecil, kemungkinan sapi jatuh di situ.. Sempet telepon ke Total SPBU beberapa kali, tapi mereka bilang gak ada, malahan sempet minta tolong Ie-ie Icong buat mampir ke Total SPBU buat ngecek, tapi hasilnya nihil ! SEDIH! o(><)o千万别

R.I.P Moo, SAPI kesayangan kita ..

Rencananya tgl 31 mau buka toko, tapi gak jadi buka toko.. hahaha Jalan jalan lagi ~\(≧▽≦)/~~\(≧▽≦)/~

Kita sarapan All you can eat di Samudra Suki Puri Indah Mall.. Rame bgt cing ! Kasian juga ama pelayannya , lebaran tapi masih sibuk kerja.. Pas lagi makan, Ie-ie telepon, bilang kalo mereka sekeluarga lagi makan All you can eat Dimsum di Sands & gak mau buka toko jg, ajakin ke Tangerang Alam Sutera.. ayok!!

Kita ke Mall Living World.. Pertama kalinya gw ke sini.. Mall nya bagus & mirip2 Central Park.. Di lantai paling atas ada taman jg.. Di sini, mama beliin gw lipstick The Face Shop.. O(_)O谢谢妈妈

Terus gw Mega Indra diajakin 2 sepupu gw , Stephanie Steven ke satu café yg lagi happening bgt di kalangan ABG : ROPPAN *tapi seriusan deh, gw lum pernah denger ini tempat apaan, krg gaul gw hahah* Sampai di sana, astaga, tempatnya rame bgt ckck.. ROPPAN tuh ternyata café ala Jepang yg jual aneka Toast dengan bermacam macam toping, bisa es krim, telor, fruits etc.. Kita pesen tiga food & tiga beverages ! My opinion after ate ROPPAN’s menu is: YUMMY! ( ^_^ )不错嘛

Malamnya kita rencana mau ke Nanny’s Pavilion Barn yg ada di deket Mall Living World.. Dekor nya unyu sih,HAHA.. sampai di sana, ternyata kita dapat surprise: Gas nya mati !Masakan seperti pasta gak bisa dipesen, palingan Cuma bisa pesen minuman.. what?! And ternyata bukan 1 RESTO AJA, TAPI HAMPIR SEMUA resto di kompleks situ ckck >.<

Akhirnya Ie-ie ajak kita makan di Resto sekitar RS Omni.. Bakut Mumun.. ada sate babi, babi bakar, babi kecap,sate kulit etc.. Pokoknya bukan buat mereka yg sedang diet deh ROFL


Selasai makan, kita kembali ke rumah masing-masing.. Tidak lupa mampir ke Baskin n Robins ! hari ini kan akhir bulan (tgl 31), ada discount 50% with Mega Card.. hehe

Sayonara ( ^_^ )/~~拜拜

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