Fantastic Time at Fantasy World ;)

at 9th December 2009,,

I with my super best friends had a fantastic time together..

Me(Lydia), Jejenk, Silvi, Khristy, Rico, Christian, Jeremy, Geo, Pnyu, n Dcky

spent our holiday at Fantasy World (Dufan)..

Unfortunately, some of our friends couldn't join us because they didn't have their parents permission.. Because on that day spreaded a rumour that at Jakarta will be held a massive demonstration..

We went there by Transjakarta Bus..

First, we were late 30 minutes due to our original plan (we planned to leave at 8 o'clock) because of Jeremy.. hahaha It's all HIS FAULT.. (kidink XD )

He came late and we had to wait for him..

Moreover, he did a silly thing.. he didn't know how to use TransJakarta Bus..ckck..

We arrived at Fantasy World at 11 o'clock.. It was so crowded there..

First, we played Ontang Anting.. Actually, I am afraid of height..

But, as soon as I arrived at Fantasy World and saw so many challenging vehicles..

I forgot about it.. haahhahaha I was over excited to try out my adrenalin..

From Ontang Anting, we moved to Arung Jeram.. It was less ccrowded there, so we played that game twice..

I got wet from my top till my toe.. hahahaha But, I enjoyed every single moment I had in there.. =))

Then we played Rajawali, Perang Bintang, Poci Poci, Niagara, Kora Kora and Bianglala..

My favorite is Rajawali, though I was afraid of height, but we could see the whole Fantasy world from Rajawali.. It was breathtaking view, I could see the sea.. ^^

However, silvi couldn't stand played Rajawali,so after we stepped the earth, siLvi thrown up.. But, fortunately, she get well soon.. =)

Niagara was the most, um what should I say, a terrific vehicle.. I mean terrific in a good way and in a bad way..

The bad thing was: Me and all my friends were so scared!!! Niagara made us scream very very very Loud.. ckck.. Especially the one who sat in the front row and the backside row.. Dicky-Rico and Penyu-Jeremy..

Front and backside row are the most frightened row.. hahahah

The good thing was: it was FUN!!!hahahah =pp

We closed our day at Bianglala.. the scenery was beautiful.. After played many games and felt extremely tired, bianglala is the best vehicle to ride in.. heeheh ^

Our day wasn't finish untill that..

We took a boat, we acrossed the sea in the noon (almost sunset)..

We went to Le Bridge.. a restaurant in the middle of the sea.. ^^ Love it..

After having our dinner and didn't forget to took picture together, we went home..

By Khristy's Car..heheh=)

One more information, I escaped from my duty to go to English course..


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5 komentar:

dankoo said...

lyd naik yg kapal bareng kristy ntu bayar berapa??

lydiaputri's diary said...

1 kapal harga na 20 rb..
karena g ber2 ama xty, seorang bayar 10rb..
u gaQ naek ini Dan?

Christian Pok Pok said...

Hai...Ur fren Comment yh^
e.gwe br liat yg ini...Niceee
Xo bs d like gwe Like-in d....

Heh?u Boloz Inggriz?Br twe gwe..ckckc

dankoo said...

engga.. ga naek tu kapal aj kurang waktunya..wkwkkw

lydiaputri's diary said...

waktu na kurang..
rasa na gaQ puas..
taPi antrian na puanjannggg..
gaQ nahan..

tengs christian..

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