Goo Hye Sun: My Greatset Role Model

I love Goo Hye Sun unnie...

I love her style..

I love how she talks, how she acts..

I love her gestures..

I love her fashion.. Simple but elegant..

I wish I could be like her..

Goo Hye Sun is the first Korean artist who I admire so much..

She is pretty..

I know, there are thounsand of Korean artists who also as pretty as Goo Hye Sun unnie..

However, there is one thing that make Hye Sun unnie different..

Her beauty is natural.. She is so natural.. Heart it..

She has a good personality.. She's humble, down to earth and friendly..

She is very talented too..

She is an artist, singer, pianist, musician, designer, charity worker, model, director, producer, and a business woman too...she aldo held her own art exhbition..

TV Series
* Boys Over Flowers, KBS 2TV, 2009
* Strongest Chil-Woo, KBS2TV, 2008
* The King and I, SBS, 2007
* Pure in Heart, KBS2TV, 2006
* Ballad Of Suh Dong, SBS, 2005
* Nonstop 5, MBC, 2005
* Drama City - Everybody Cha Cha Cha, KBS, 2005
* Drama City - Anagram, KBS, 2004


* KBS Acting Awards: New Actress Award, Pure in Heart


* SBS Acting Awards: Rookies of the Year, The King and I (TV series)


* Yahoo! Asia Buzz Awards: Biggest Asian star in Taiwan
* Audience Award at the Pusan Asian Short Film festival


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6 komentar:

dankoo said...

kurang asem!
kyknya jago aja ya tu si goo hye sun.. wkwkwk
jd tertarik gw.. XD

lydiaputri's diary said...

emank!! maka na bnyak yg bLank kLo gaQ ada yg Goo Hye Sun gaQ bs..

ithu lah mgp g mnjadikan dy panutan hidup g..
Sbg seorg remaja,g butu panutan yg bs memberikan contoh positif..

hahahahahahah XD

dankoo said...

good good.. XD

カタリナ said...

perasaan. .kyknya c Goo Hye Sun tuh perfect amat yah ??
ckckck. .
Gaki g aja kalah. .

dankoo said...

eh ada nocchie ndut... kpn maen ke blog gw?

lydiaputri's diary said...

@ nocchie...
iyh dunk..
Hye sun thu emank almost perfect.,
maka na g cinta bgd ama dy..=DD

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